Alumnae and alumni are gathered in a lecture hall

Alumni Network of the University of Stuttgart

Welcome to “alumnius”, the alumni network of the University of Stuttgart! “alumnius” is the interdisciplinary network for students and graduates as well as for members and associate partners of the University of Stuttgart.

Have you studied or worked at the University of Stuttgart? Have you obtained a doctorate or have you taught here? Have you been involved in a research project at our university? Or are you currently doing one of the named? If so, become a member of the interdisciplinary alumni network of the University of Stuttgart!

On this homepage you will find information about the diverse services of the alumni network and you can register right away – we are looking forward to welcoming you as a new member.

Stay in touch

The interdisciplinary alumni network facilitates the intercultural exchange and the global networking of the alumnae and alumni with their alma mater. Take the opportunity and profit from the offers of our alumni network. Stay in touch with your university, friends and acquaintances from your time on campus – at best for a lifetime. We are looking forward to an inspiring dialogue with you.

Stay up to date

The Office of Alumni Relations provides information about current activities and developments at the University of Stuttgart. Make use of the digitial information service from "alumnius" and be up to date with the top themes of your alma mater while being "off campus" and visit us "on campus" whenever you are nearby. Take part in the various events at your alma mater and immerse yourself once again into the campus atmosphere. We appreciate your interest and are looking forward to your visit.

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts" - following the famous words of Aristotle, one of the founding figures of Western sciences, I cordially invite you to join the alumni network "alumnius". The interdisciplinary alumni network of the University of Stuttgart joins students, alumnae and alumni, scientists and partners from economy as well as friends and sponsors to a "whole". All of you can give valuable impulses and contribute to the innovative power and to the dynamic development of the University of Stuttgart.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart


Vanessa Misirloglou


Representative Director of Alumni Relations


Alumni Team

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24C, 70174 Stuttgart

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