A scientist holds a platelet between his fingers and looks at it.

Career Resources

The career resources of the alumni network "alumnius" provide alumnae and alumni of the University of Stuttgart with a wide range of information about profession and career.

Would you like to upgrade your education, continue your academic career or attend a job application training? Are you currently in the process of building up a solid base for your future life? Or are you looking for the latest job vacancies or career events? Then this is exactly the right place for you to find answers!

The alumni network actively supports the knowledge and information transfer on the one hand between the University of Stuttgart and its alumnae and alumni, and on the other hand between the university and companies, organizations, as well as scientific, economic and social institutions.

Continuing education

You would like to upgrade your personal and professional competences? In the following you can gather information about advanced training and you will find an overview about offers by the University of Stuttgart.

The "Center for Education and Qualifications" (zlw) of the University of Stuttgart offers needs-based and target-group-specific advanced training courses for students, scientists and other interested individuals from the economy or society. Students can benefit from offers in the areas of Comprehensive Key Qualifications (SQ), Studium generale (SG) and Tutors' Qualification (TQ) during their studies. Scientists can attend advanced trainings in the field of university didactics (HD) or participate in subject-specific courses (SimTech and NUPUS). Through the Studium Generale (SG), alumnae and alumni are welcome to partake in regular lectures at the University of Stuttgart. The coordinating center for scientific continuing education (KWW) offers seminars and workshops around the topics of project management, leadership and personal work organization.


to the "zlw" website

The "Koordinierungsstelle für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung" (KWW; rough translation: coordinating center for continuing scientific education) pools and markets the transfer of knowledge between the University of Stuttgart, its alumnae and alumni, as well as other interest groups from university and non-university institutions from the fields of research, administration and industry. Each semester, numerous advanced training events take place: Training courses, contact courses or trainings for personal and professional development. These events are directed at students as well as employed alumnae and alumni from the most diverse fields.


to the "KWW" website [de]

A central task of the Center for Education and Qualifications is the promotion of interdisciplinary continuing education within the University of Stuttgart. In this context, events, which are suitable for students of all departments as well as guest auditors, are compiled in an event program. The event offers are open to all alumnae and alumni who are interested in advanced training. For further information, please visit the German website in the following.


More Information to become a guest auditor [de]

Project "KWW4Alumni"

Become a member of the alumni network and thus fulfill the requirement for participating in the project "KWW4Alumni"!

With the project "KWW4Alumni", the alumni network gives its members the opportunity to participate in the advanced training program of the "Koordinierungsstelle für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung" [de] (rough translation: coordinating center for continuing scientific education) with the reduced university employee price (excluded from this are the on-the-job training courses). The cooperation project "KWW4Alumni" is supported by the KWW and the Office of Alumni Relations. 

As soon as you have registered as a member of the alumni network of the University of Stuttgart and would like to make use of the discount, we will gladly send you a form on request, which you can submit to the KWW in order to benefit from the special conditions.

If you are interested, please contact the team of the Office of Alumni Relations via email.

Academic career

The University of Stuttgart offers future scholars the opportunity to plan and pursue their doctorate and their further academic careers systematically through numerous programs and qualified assistance. Interested individuals will find the most important information and offers in the following.

The aim of the University of Stuttgart is to offer, to secure and to constantly develop a high quality education within the structured doctoral qualification to junior scientists. PhD students can benefit from numerous doctoral programs, scholarships and funding opportunities.

An overview of the requirements and legal basis of pursuing a PhD at the University of Stuttgart as well as information on current funding and graduate programs can be found at:


More information about PhD at the University of Stuttgart

The Graduate Academy offers all doctoral candidates, as well as all those who are planning to earn their PhD, cross-curricular advice on the possibilities of obtaining a doctoral degree at the University of Stuttgart. This includes, for example, the planning and the course of the doctorate program and financing opportunities. The focus of the qualification concept is to encourage every doctoral candidate to develop a self-reliant researcher personality.

The mentoring programs at GRADUS pursue supporting and accompanying junior researchers on their career path. The leaders of today, as graduates of the University of Stuttgart, can support the "mentees" by letting them know about their experiences in their professional careers.



With the Master:Online, experienced alumnae and alumni have the opportunity to enhance their professional development. The advanced education masters in building physics, logistics management and integrated gerontology, offered at the University of Stuttgart, are designed as online study programs and can be studied extra occupationally. They convey special, application-oriented knowledge in particular fields that are tailored to the practical needs of the job market.


More information about Master:Online

The University of Stuttgart has set itself the task of offering highly qualified applicants for professorships a program that includes support services, in particular for their domestic partners, in order to motivate career-oriented couples to relocate in the Stuttgart region together. In addition, the University of Stuttgart coordinates the university network "Dual Career Solutions" to promote dual career couples. With the merger of 14 universities in the regions of Stuttgart, Tübingen and Ulm, it is a powerful network for individual solutions and the best possible design of different dual career situations in science and industry.


To the Dual career program

Femtec.Network is a cooperation of leading technical universities and well-known companies with the Femtec.Hochschulkarrierezentrum for women Berlin GmbH. The goal of Femtec.Network is not only attracting young women to study in the fields of engineering and science, but also promoting female students with high performance and leadership potential. In addition, it tests innovative forms of cooperations between the university and the industry.

In order to achieve these goals, a career building program is offered to excellent undergraduate students in selected science and engineering study programs, giving them the opportunity to set the right course for career entry and advancement at an early stage.


To the femtec.network



Anyone who would like to go independent and set up their own business can find numerous teaching and further training opportunities, consulting options and information at the University of Stuttgart - from study programs to startup programs and from consulting appointments to the provision of workspaces and office space.

More information about Entrepreneurship

Founding with the TTI

Are you an alumna or alumnus of the University of Stuttgart and are you planning to start your own business?
The TTI (abbreviation for German "Technologie Transfer Initiative") is the central contact point for all researchers and students who are interested in founding a start-up company. You will be supported and advised on topics from the development of a sustainable product to the foundation of a company.

To the TTI-Website [de]

Founders' portraits

Many alumnae and alumni of the University of Stuttgart have already started their own businesses. Would you like to learn more about these founders? If so, please take a look at our alumni founders' portraits!

Get to know interesting founders!

Stellenwerk of the University of Stuttgart

"Stellenwerk" is the official employment website of the University of Stuttgart. It offers various categories, e.g. jobs for students, internships, theses, graduate jobs, private part-time jobs and jobs at the university itself. Employers can post job advertisements in the corresponding categories: individually, locally, regionally or nationally.

To the Stellenwerk of the Universtiy of Stuttgart

Career Counseling

Various facilities of the University of Stuttgart offer support in the form of application training, assistance in the application process and contact fairs as well as information on internships especially for humanities scholars.

For Students

Application Training

The application training offered by the "Studium generale" provides the participants with skills for a good application and a basis for a successful sales campaign on their own account. The seminar contents includes strategies for the job search, the letter of application, the structure of an application folder and the job interview. However, the training focuses on the interview, which is intensively practiced and evaluated in role-playing.

Application Training [de]

Student Counseling Center

The Student Counseling Center offers students advice for vocational orientation. In individual counseling sessions, approaches and goals for the own vocational future can be developed.

The services of STUDIES-INTERNSHIP-CAREER are designed to help students of the Humanities and Social Sciences with questions concerning possible internships and career options.


To the Student Counseling Center

bonding e.V.

The student initiative "bonding e.V." organizes various projects and events to establish contacts between students and companies. Especially at the annual corporate contact fair, students have the opportunity to get to know numerous companies and make contacts. But also other events, such as cultural workshops, excursions or job application trainings, are offered on a regular basis.

To the bonding e.V [DE]

Additionally exclusively for doctoral students, postdocs and junior professors

The Graduate Academy of the University of Stuttgart (GRADUS) offers a wide range of qualifications, information, counseling and mentoring services for doctoral students, postdocs, and junior professors.

For more information, please visit the website of the Graduate Academy:


Career events

Information about career and job events in the Stuttgart Region can be found via the links below. (Available in German only)


Vanessa Misirloglou


Representative Director of Alumni Relations


Alumni Team

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24C, 70174 Stuttgart

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